Basic Exercises: Alignment and Abdominal Breathing
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Jiaoshi Andrea Nei Qi Gong



These two basic exercises are just an introduction. They are not Nei Qi Gong in their true meaning. The next step is to learn the first practice to experiment with the benefits and see the energetic results in your daily life.


You can learn from home through an online class directly with me. At the end of your class, you will also receive a bonus of studying material. I will send you a link to a private video of Shifu Costantino Valente performing the whole exercise sequence, and you will also get access to a Pdf with a detailed explanation of the first practice, which is called Xing Shen Zhuang Gong. 


It is a series of exercises that enhance your health and well-being after a few days. It is the perfect longevity practice that unlocks your energetic channels and allows Qi flow in your body. Although the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong is the first practice in the Nei Qi Gong path, it is a complete system that some important Qi Gong schools use as their unique system.


Qi is the vital energy that flows in the meridians (channels) of the body and regulates its fundamental functions, determining health, strength, psycho-physical well-being, longevity, and awareness.​


In Taoism, Qi is used as a tool to access higher states of consciousness, recalling the Ling Qi (spiritual Qi) on the top of the head for a deeper connection with the whole​


In martial arts, especially the "internal" Chinese ones, it has always been taught that the real strength is not the muscular one, but the subtle and explosive one of Qi (which grows with age instead of decreasing)​


In Chinese medicine (the oldest in the world) all treatments and remedies are aimed at increasing and rebalancing the Qi in the body because this resolves the root causes of the main imbalances (instead of acting on the symptoms) and promotes long-term health and energy​


Today, the main holistic therapies are based on the same principle and, even when they do not expressly speak of Qi, they inevitably work on this energy to try to restore an optimal balance


..because the practices that are taught - in the West but also in the East, from Qi Gong to Tai Chi to Reiki - are now based on the mechanical repetition of movements and/or on too-light physical sensations.

We don't really know why, but the direct experience of Qi has been lost: that powerful manifestation that a Master transmitted to his student so that he could truly understand and replicate it with practice.

Perhaps because of the tough selection still being made in China, to identify the few students deserving to receive the authentic practices.

Perhaps because the Chinese government itself tends to control these practices and to export only "light" Qi Gong for health (this would explain why many Chinese Masters are moving to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and neighboring countries).


The result is, in any case, that today we talk about Qi almost always theoretically.

There is no direct experience, for who knows how many generations both in the West and in the East, and this obviously limits the energy effects and benefits that can be obtained with the practice...

  • In Chinese health and longevity practices (such as Qi Gong), the energetic sensations are so light that we may have imagined them, and this makes it difficult to stay motivated in the long term (also because no one shows us the "point of arrival" to aspire to)

  • In holistic therapies, in the East but also in the West, many concepts about energy and the overall balance of the "patient" remain vague: no one gives us concrete tools to show and transmit this energy during treatments, in order to accelerate the healing and solve even deep problems

  • In martial arts, even "internal" practices are taught in a physical and muscular way (even in China, in the places where these practices were born), and often those who speak of Qi and "inner strength" are the least effective in fighting (or refuses to demonstrate it).


"In 30 years of Qi Gong, I have never seen an actual emission of Qi. Then I met Master Zhou..."

Giorgio S.

My name is Giorgio S. and I have been practicing Qi Gong since November 1976. For about ten years I have practiced only external styles, with two different Masters, one Irish and the other Chinese. Meeting with a Master who practiced internal styles made me realize that practice is not just kicking and hitting and that there is a world where true strength is not in the physical matter, but there is another force that is much more powerful that does not diminish with aging. On the contrary, it increases more and more.


With this Master, I practiced intensely for 17 years, until his unfortunate premature death. After his death, I continued to practice following his teachings and meeting many (Chinese) Qi Gong masters, very famous in the West. Despite having practiced Qi Gong, with dedication and perseverance, for 30 years, I could not do or see a real Qi emission. I witnessed teachers blowing up their students with a single wave of the hand or just looking at them. When I asked to try it, they told me that I was not ready to receive Qi and that it would have been dangerous.

In my opinion, neither of them was able to emit Qi. It was mental conditioning that led the students to follow all the movements of their teacher. I must say that, despite various disappointments, I have always believed that there was a great force within us and that we only needed to find a way to use it. So I put myself, even with a bit of skepticism, to search the Internet for everything concerned about the Qi topic. I discovered Shifu Costantino's site and decided to enroll in Nei Qi Gong courses. In November, I was allowed to go to China and personally meet Master Zhou. It was like leaving a room where I have been locked up for years and finally seeing what was outside.


Master Zhou is a wonderful, humble, and kind person, with a great desire to teach all those who have the humility to learn. Without many rounds of words, he made me feel his Qi, and, without touching me, he did a Qi emission to me. I had seen Master Zhou emit Qi to other people, but feeling it myself was something that cannot be explained, and that makes you change completely. It is not about suggestions or sensations, it is not about "it seems that I feel something", it is an immense force that stuns and that few men in the world can dominate. I don't know where I can go on my new path, but now I really know that there are people who can teach me.


Giorgio S.


Shifu Costantino Valente, like many fans of oriental disciplines and martial arts, soon discovered the limits of widespread energy practices.


He started in 1975 with Judo and Ju Jitsu, then continued with Aikido and Kung Fu Shaolin when he moved to Rome for studying at university.


In those years he also approached the first energetic disciplines, under the guidance of Sifu Tong, attracted by the more “esoteric” side and by the unconscious certainty of the existence of unexpressed human potential.

In addition to studying energy and martial practices, he also assisted his master in energetic therapies.


The curiosity for “internal” practices however gradually turned into distrust and then into strong skepticism, when over the years he did not see concrete results.

The explanations read and heard were always vague and the energetic sensations were too mild to be called Qi.


So he gradually became convinced that Qi was a fairy tale, and that it was better to spend an extra 30 minutes with the boxing bag rather than doing breathing exercises or internal work.


He put aside energy practices and devoted himself completely to martial arts, deepening Tai Ji Quan and Karate and later Wing Chun and Escrima, which remained the core of his teaching for over twenty years.


In 1991 he started teaching and in 1998 he decided to devote himself full-time to martial arts, becoming a point of reference for numerous schools and instructors in the region of Lazio and in other parts of Italy for San Yi Wing Chun, Lakas Escrima and then Tai Ji Quan (currently recognized as 7th duan by the Italian Traditional Kung Fu Federation).

Shifu Costantino Valente


In the mid-nineties, Shifu Constantino Valente learned the "Xing Shen Zhuang Gong" from an acupuncturist and started again his research in energy practices, also learning other internal styles such as Yi Quan, as well as deepening the practice of meditation.


The real turning point, however, only came when he discovered the existence of true Masters of Nei Qi Gong.


Despite a lot of initial mistrust, he was able to verify the power of Qi released by these masters, by traveling and meeting them personally in Thailand and then in China.


From lighting up a fire with bare hands to moving objects at a distance, from healing even serious illnesses to transmitting strong electric shocks of Qi, ideal for experiencing energy immediately.


These demonstrations, later confirmed by his own experience in the practice, were the important proof of everything he had always intuited from a young age and that led him to train with these Masters.

In 2005 he was in fact accepted as a direct student (Tu Di) by one of them, Shifu Luo. And he is currently one of the few in the world to know the complete method of this Master.


After completing the entire course with Shifu Luo, in October 2010 he was accepted as a direct student by another great master of Nei Qi Gong, Shifu Zhou.


In September 2013, his Master asked him to teach and spread his method in Europe.

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The Nei Qi Gong differs from normal Qi Gong both for the effectiveness of the practice, which has preserved the original teachings and allows a direct experience of Qi, and for the goal.

In fact, the aim is not just to stay healthy, increasing, and rebalancing the energy in the body, but to accumulate more Qi than how much is needed for oneself, to: ​


evolve spiritually by accessing higher states of awareness and a more free and harmonious life experience


give it to others through deep and often decisive therapies and treatments (Shifu Costantino Valente has been helping many people without charging them)​​


​bring martial arts (of any style) to their maximum expression, combining physical strength with the explosive power of Qi 

No more crutches after two sessions ... 


I am a martial arts teacher and about two years ago, a student had a sprained knee while practicing wrestling on the ground. He immediately went to the doctor and after several investigations, he discovered that there were no breaks, and the cure he was given was: anti-inflammatories, crutches, and rest.


However, after a few days, since there were no improvements, I suggested to the student to meet Shifu Costantino Valente. I knew already that he had helped other people. The teacher made the student sit down and, through his hands, carried the electric current in some points of his leg. After less than an hour, he told us that he had done what he could, and if the student had some benefits from the treatment and still needed more help, he knew where to find him.


The amazement was that the student got up and left without using crutches, saying that it seemed that he had never had any problems. The truth is that the day after a little pain came back and took another session to solve the problem completely

Michele F.

The next day the knee returned to normal, thanks to the electrical energy carried by the master...

My name is Carla, I am 28 years old. About eight months ago, I had a problem with my right knee, for about ten days it was swollen, uncomfortable, and painful, and did not improve even when I was resting. And I could not take any medication due to breastfeeding. With a little fear, led by my husband, I underwent a therapy session with Shifu Costantino Valente.


The concern I had, in the beginning, turned into amazement when the teacher's fingers touched some points near the knee. Gradually, first light and then with more intensity, an electric current, transmitted by the master's hands flowed into my leg. I felt instantly a feeling of well-being and lightness in the knee, free from discomfort and pain. The next day, the knee returned to normal.


Carla M.



The great desire of Shifu Constantino Valente, after learning these practices, was to finally make them available to everyone.

In fact, especially for us Westerners (but not only), it is also a real challenge to learn them because:


  • You must be lucky enough to know authentic masters (there are now only a few in the world)

  • You have to travel to meet them, in China or in Southeast Asia

  • You must be accepted as direct students, to receive really important practices

  • The costs of these practices are usually in the order of thousands of euros each (you read that right!)

  • Chinese teaching is often chaotic and disordered, not very suitable for our Western minds

As if that were not enough, the rigid Chinese discipline starts from the assumption that a mass selection must be made to choose, among the many pretenders, the few really suitable to be educated in this path.

For this reason, preparatory exercises are imposed on the students which are extremely hard, often useless, and not at all appropriate to the subject of the teaching, for the sole purpose of discouraging those with little will.

Those who pass these "tests" show that they are ready and have the right attitude to continue.

At that point, the teaching continues gradually and often instinctively, assuming that the student can dedicate his whole life to this and can practice for 7-8 hours a day.


When Shifu Constantino Valente started teaching Nei Qi Gong at the request of his teachers, he found himself having to translate this system for us Westerners, who have at most an hour a day to practice and want a clear and complete path.

This challenge was his luck because it pushed him to take a new direction.

Drawing on his 40 years of martial and didactic experience, he combined the integral teachings of his two masters and "extracted" the essence, observing himself and his students:

  • which exercises are really effective to increase and emit Qi (and which ones only waste time)

  • in what order it is better to learn them and for how long each one must be practiced, before moving on to the next one, in order to see the energetic effects

The result of this work surprised him.

CONI F.E.E.T.A.M. Shifu Costantino Valente
Shifu Costantino Valente Nei QI Gong Fu
Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong Fu

What took shape is the first course of Nei Qi Gong, clear, complete, and organized, able to guide anyone from zero to the final result with 45-60 minutes of practice per day.

It is not only the best solution for us Westerners, who have little time.

It is a system that Shifu Constantino Valente has also been called to teach in China itself, because of the effectiveness and accessibility of the practice.

There are no selections, there are no prohibitive costs and all the exercises are suitable for all ages and physical conditions (being mostly internal exercises).

Today this system is taught throughout Europe by authorized instructors and, thanks to the results obtained by the students, it has been recognized in Italy by CSAIN (Sports Promotion Body recognized by CONI and by the Italian Ministry of Interior) and in Spain by FEETAM (Federación Española de Escuelas Tradicionales de Artes Marciales, recognized by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior).

The course is structured into 9 basic and 6 superior practices.

Each practice builds on the previous one and leads to an ever greater mastery of one's Qi:



First physical practice

1° Xing Shen Zhuang Gong

Xing Shen Zhuang Gong Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong

With the first basic practice, we begin the study of a form of Qi Gong which comes from the Emei Shan tradition, which has multiple objectives.


Physically, it unlocks the circulation of energy through postural exercises that open the individual joints and free the meridian pathways. Some of these exercises can be physically intense.


This sequence is called XING SHEN ZHUANG GONG. It is "the method of the reunification of the Shen, the formless, the spirit that aspires to heaven, in the Xing, the container, the form, the framework."


A clear indication of how Qi Gong cannot ignore an important relationship between the animating energy and the animated body.


This apparently basic work is actually a complex system of exercises in which the mind directs Qi at key points in the Chinese energetic system, which are physically stimulated by specifically designed postures.


The practice of the true Nei Qi Gong leads to a relocation of the entire energy system to the Dan Tian, ​​the area below the navel, seen as a Qi reserve, a gold reserve to use in case of need or if launched towards higher goals of self-realization.

It is a sequence of fifteen exercises that involve the whole body.


It is an excellent practice for health in general and is important as a first exercise because, through slow and controlled movements, it makes you become aware and unlocks some points and areas of your body that are important for energy circulation.


It also strengthens the "body frame": the spine, joints, and medulla.

First meditation practice

2° Zheng Song Da Fa

ZHENG SONG DA FA - Nei Qi Gong .jpg

It is a key exercise for correct meditation. We search for the right posture and the necessary quietness of the mind. It is a fundamental process and development for self-understanding.


We align the body segments, hang the Bai Hui (top of the head) to the sky and open the connecting channel between heaven and earth. We make energy run from one point to another within the body. And we also focus attention on each of the three Dantians.


With this practice, we start with the first so-called meditation exercises. In reality, meditation cannot be "done". The meditative state is a particular psychophysical state that can or cannot be reached. We can do some exercises that can facilitate the attainment of this particular state called meditation.

First breathing practice

3° Hou Tian Xi

HOU TIAN XI -  Nei Qi Gong.jpg

In the first breathing practice, using the meditative structure we built previously, we begin to perform breathing techniques called HOU TIAN XI, Postnatal Breathing, which follows the natural flow of air in abdominal breathing.


This technique is a great example of how, step by step, you can work on the Dan Tian, opening its doors and coming to have a tangible perception without false feelings of Gui Qi, illusory Qi.

The Dan Tian area will begin to jump spontaneously and, with the correct practice, the sensations often described in the texts, such as a natural vibration, the development of heat, and the precise sense of a vital presence in the abdomen will become reality.

Second breathing practice

4° Xian Tian Xi

In the second breathing practice, through the practice of XIAN TIAN XI, we transform the horizontal breathing into a vertical one, reversing also the natural flows of Qi.

Second physical practice

5° Zhan Zhuang

Zhan Zhuang - Nei Qi Gong

A sequence of static positions is performed which directs the energy inside and outside the body, with the help of intention and breath.

Third breathing practice

6° Yang Qi Gong


We build one of the classic positions of Qi Gong and bring it to life thanks to an internal filling. This is very important because often people who have worked for years in static positions, not knowing what they had to do in that position, often conclude wrongly that they were useless.


By staying in this position through visualizations and breathing exercises we do some practices that will improve general well-being, also freeing the internal organs from accumulated toxins.


We also increase the diffusion of that manifestation of energy called "Yang Qi" in the body. Good Qi in the Yang phase means having more vitality, strength, vigor, alertness, and greater sexual abilities, and creates the necessary energy resource to be able to do the following practices.

Second meditation practice

7° Kuo Zhang Da Fa

Kuo Zhang Da Fa - Nei Qi Gong

We perform a meditation exercise that will allow us to get in contact with the spiritual world using visualizations and centrifugal forces.

Third physical practice

8° Wan Qi

Wan Qi - Nei Qi Gong.jpg

Through a series of exercises we experience energy and play with it, manipulating it and thus increasing the ability to generate it.

Third meditation practice

9° Ling Qi

LING QI - Nei Qi Gong

Ling Qi means spiritual energy. Using symbols and a mantra one tries to get in touch with more subtle energies.


There is a small ritual, a small initiation, to facilitate the activation of this connection.


It is a very important step in practice. Those who receive Ling Qi will remember it forever because it is a very strong and pleasant experience that allows you to experience things that have only been read in books.


The experience of Ling Qi is similar for everyone. But we never tell to our students what is going to happen, to avoid suggestions and tensions due to waiting for a particular event during practice.


Ling Qi creates a connection that will help spiritual growth in a natural way.

clases y seminarios En España:


The old ritual of acceptance of the new student takes place between the basic and superior practices.

At this stage, the student becomes part of the internal school.



First superior practice

1° Dian Qi Gong

Dian Qi Gong Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong

Always attentive to the possibility of absorbing and exchanging energy from natural elements, some Chinese teachers have studied the possibility of using electricity as an energy source in the last century, seeing and observing how, in fact, the most evident manifestation of Qi in those who have the ability to do the Fa Qi (to emit Qi), were a sensation of electric current flowing in the body.


This method, kept secret for a long time, produces:

  • An acceleration of the processes of accumulation of Qi

  • Achieving a high level of control over the entire nervous system, and being able to control even involuntary contraction of muscles even under electrical or pain stimulation


At the end of the practicing period, the practitioner can remain connected to electricity even at 220 Volts during the practice, without suffering any damage.


A method will be taught to do healing treatments using "finger electrical pressure".

Through physical contact between people, it will be possible to transmit appropriate electrical stimulation at specific points that activate the healing processes, which are decisive for many diseases.


This system is used in some Chinese hospitals by experienced Qi Gong masters, and it has been an important healing system for a long time.

Second superior practice

2° Lian Gong

Lian Gong Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong

In the second superior practice called LIAN GONG, energy circulation is directed in certain areas of the body, especially in the Lao Gongs, to stimulate them, and to increase global awareness of energy circulation.

Third superior practice

3° Da Zuo

Da Zuo Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong

The third superior practice, DA ZUO, continues the circulation of energy in the body in a sitting position, becoming aware of the path that joins the Dan Tian with the Lao Gongs.

Fourth superior practice

4° Tong Zi Gong

Tong Zi Gong Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong

In the fourth superior practice, TONG ZI GONG, the Jing is refined and the Qi is accumulated in the Dan Tian. The circulation and awareness of Qi in the body are enhanced. In this phase, it is possible to transfer energy to others by contact.

Fifth superior practice

5° Lianhe Dantian

Lianhe Dantian Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong

In the fifth superior practice, LIANHE DANTIAN, the three Dan Tians are joined together using two particular energy circulations and a specific breathing technique. The Fa Gong (Energy Emission) is practiced at this stage.

Sixth superior practice

6° Shen Gong

Shen Gong o Xiang Gong Shifu Costantino Valente Nei Qi Gong.jpg

The sixth superior practice is the most esoteric practice in the School. It consists of the complete transmission of the symbol (FU or GONG) exclusive to our School, in the recitation of an invocation, in the Mudras in which the hands are positioned, which gives the ability to transmit Qi at distance.


In addition, there is the XIANG GONG practice, the practice of incense, where incense sticks are used and whose duration is linked precisely to the duration of the incense itself.


At the end of the practice, we will undergo the last initiation of the School, the most important! "


It is not necessary to finish the entire path to see its benefits. Each practice is complete in itself and improves not only your health but also your physical coordination, relaxation, breathing, psychophysical balance, and energy level, in an evident way in your daily life.

The Nei Qi Gong path can guide you to the final result of emitting energy, but you decide how far you want to go, according to your personal goals. For sure, you have the certainty that the practices are extremely effective, and the path really works.

I fully recovered from a serious chronic health problem...

I could speak for a long time about everything Shifu Constantino Valente and Nei Qi Gong have done for me. Over the years I have had the privilege of accompanying these Masters on their trips and spending a lot of time with them. Even today, Nei Qi Gong continues to be one of the most important practices of my life.


I fully recovered from a serious chronic health problem I had from birth (considered incurable by official medicine). I mastered my body and its functions in ways I could never have imagined were possible (but still infinitesimal compared to my Masters). I have acquired a level of energy that allows me to maintain a very high work rate and recharge quickly, thanks to which today I can easily guide an entire spiritual movement and take care of an incalculable number of people.


I was lucky in this life to meet many spiritual teachers and human beings out of the ordinary, but I can say that Shifu Costantino Valente and Nei Qi Gong are amongst the most precious treasures I have found. My words will never express the true gratitude I feel for them.


Surya Cillo



The Xing Shen Zhuang Gong is the most "physical" practice of Nei Qi Gong because it consists of 15 exercises that unlock the joints, improve posture and relaxation, strengthen the body and health, enhance concentration and self-awareness, and begin to increase and make energy flow in the body.

All the following practices are built on this because they rely on a body that is as healthy, energetic, strong, open, and balanced as possible.

That's why the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong is not only the first step of the path but an extraordinarily complete practice in itself.

It is the best Chinese exercise for health and longevity: some Qi Gong schools teach and practice only these exercises.

Also because the benefits involve the whole human being: body, energy, emotions, and mind.

Body healthy

From the physical point of view: the 15 positions are similar to a deep massage that strengthens and relaxes the head, then the neck, then the shoulders, the back, the arms, the diaphragm, the pelvis, and the legs, opening the individual joints, eliminating pain and tension (cause of disease) and leaving a pleasant sensation of strength, dynamism, and well-being.


From an energetic point of view: the exercises unlock the energy circulation (freeing the pathways of the meridians), and develop an awareness of key body points to move Qi. They increase energy and start to accumulate it in the Dan Tian, ​​the "energy tank" which is located below the navel.

Emotional balance.jpg

From an emotional point of view: every tension in the body corresponds to an emotional one, often linked to past traumas. To dissolve the blocks means to solve the traumas, to make "peace" with parts of yourself not yet integrated, and to rediscover more balance and harmony in your daily life.


From a mental point of view: it is a practice that increases awareness, concentration, and mental presence because it focuses attention on subtle movements and deep sensations, helping you dwell more in the present moment (removing stress, distractions, and worries).

"The best strategy for daily well-being..."

This wonderful practice has been part of my morning routine for many years. I find it perfect to start the day because it awakens my body and increases my energy with a balanced mix of physical and mental work. Together with a healthy and empowering diet, it is the best strategy for daily well-being.


Francesca Forcella Cillo

Naturopath and Nutritionist

Founder of

Thus, in addition to energy and long-term health work, the practice brings benefits from the first weeks:

  • your immune system is strengthened and therefore you get sick much less

  • you release the joints and free yourself from the tensions that normally accumulate in the body, also improving posture and reducing pain in the cervical, lumbosacral area, knees, ankles, and so on.

  • internal organs become healthier and more efficient

  • rediscover new energy to do what is important to you, that you had lost getting older and/or due to a sedentary lifestyle

  • find the physical, mental and emotional center to live every day with balance, clarity, and peace

  • increase awareness and a deep sense of harmony and unity with yourself and with everything around you.

  • develop intuition, the ability to act faster and more effectively in life as well as in physical disciplines, without more indecision

  • by dissolving the tensions in the body, you also free yourself from the psycho-emotional blocks that were associated with those tensions, rediscovering new internal resources to face life in a better way

There are various versions of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong. Some are very physical and more like gymnastics. What Shifu Constantino Valente teaches is the most energy-efficient one, compared to those he has practiced.


The 15 exercises in the sequence are suitable for any age and physical condition: the beauty is in the fact that you can do them for life, like for all energy practices.

The movements are slow and semi-static, generally soft and deep, but sometimes more intense to fortify the body.

They adapt easily to your abilities: demanding positions can be maintained for shorter or longer times. It is up to you to choose to challenge and strengthen physical work.


The ideal practicing time is between 45 and 60 minutes per day, in order to make rapid progress on both a physical and energetic level.

Depending on your goals and commitments, you are free to practice more or less: even done twice a week, the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong is an excellent health practice.

Hours of the day are also free: you can practice it whenever you prefer.

Many people choose in the morning to start the day full of energy, others in the evening to relieve the tensions of work.

After 2 months of constant practice, you can continue or move on to the next practice: Yang Qi Gong.

To do this, you will need to contact me again via email or Whatsapp and schedule a new online class or you can come and visit me personally.


Shifu Costantino Valente and Jiaoshi Andrea

Jiaoshi Andrea with Shifu Costantino Valente

Jiaoshi Andrea Nei Qi Gong Online
Jiaoshi Andrea Nei Qi Gong Online

Online Class using Zoom

As you probably know by now, my name is Jiaoshi Andrea. "Jiaoshi" means instructor. It is a name that I have been given by Shifu Costantino Valente, who authorized me to teach Nei Qi Gong and be an instructor at the Nei Qi Gong Fu school. I am an advanced practitioner of this discipline.

I have a very special relationship with him. I help him as an English and Spanish translator during the online classes, and I am one of his collaborators. I create music for Nei Qi Gong practices, and we are in contact regularly because we have a strong student-teacher relationship in the "old way". I believe that is due to the fact that we have the same heart. We understand each other very deeply.

When you start studying Nei Qi Gong online with me, you will also do it with Shifu Costantino Valente at certain stages of your path.

The Nei Qi Gong seminar called "Xing Shen Zhuang Gong" includes training with me, study material, and ongoing support. During the class, you will learn a proven and millennial system that has brought great results to Nei Qi Gong students on a physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

To attend the class, you just need a stable internet connection, a laptop or tablet with a webcam, and a quiet space where we can work together without interruptions.

During the class, you will not miss any important details that are fundamental to the effectiveness of the practice. I will explain and show you each exercise from different angles to capture every subtle movement. Then we will do it together and I will make sure that you do it properly.

I do not give anything for granted: every movement to be performed, any inner sensation to be sought, mistakes to be avoided and any suggestion that can be useful for your practice.

The goal I have in mind is simple: allowing you to practice the 15 exercises of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong correctly and effectively, without having doubts when you practice alone.


After the class, you will be able to perform the whole sequence and practice independently on your own. I will also send you a link to a private area of my website where you can get access and download the bonus study materials.

The duration of the class is about 4 hours, so make sure to dedicate the right amount of time to each exercise, and also have some short breaks to take rest if needed.


If you are interested in attending the seminar or you would like to know more about it, I offer a FREE 15-MINUTE CALL VIA WHATSAPP. We can even use the video (I personally prefer to speak face to face).

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  • Do you have doubts about the practice?

  • Do you want to get to know me first?

  • Do you need the info for the payment?

Click to open Whatsapp: +39 333 77 41 312



Nei Qi Gong Video Xing Shen Zhuag Gong

After we finish the online class, I will immediately send you an email with a link to a private area of my website and a password to get access to a video of Shifu Constantino Valente performing and guiding the entire sequence of the "Xing Shen Zhuang Gong", with my voice in English.

It is your point of reference during your practice: just press play and practice together with the video, with the right timing and without forgetting anything. This allows you to start easily with optimal practice sessions, and to memorize the sequence slowly.

After a few days or weeks, when you feel confident, you can stop following the video and practice on your own, following your feelings and times, and "sewing" the duration and intensity of the practice depending on how you feel (every day we are different).


Xing-Shen-Zhuang-Gong - Shifu Costantino Valente - Nei Qi Gong

In the private area of my website, you will also get access and be able to download the PDF containing a detailed explanation of the entire exercise sequence of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong, including the two preparatory exercises.

It is useful to further clarify each exercise and review them quickly, and remember each step even without using the video.



After we do your online class, my job does not end there :-) You can always contact me via Whatsapp or email and receive assistance about your practice. You can share doubts, sensations, questions, and I will reply to you as soon as I can (usually instantaneously).

In case I will not know something, I will ask Shifu Costantino Valente, and let you know in a matter of a few days.

I highly recommend Jiaoshi Andrea. He is a very patient instructor and he will pay very close attention to your movements and find mistakes fast to help you correct them during your training. He also gives you great study material to make sure you are successful in mastering the training. Overall, great Nei Qi Gong instructor and course.

Thomas Carter (USA)

Yesterday I learned the intricate and complex art of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong over Zoom. It is a practice that was first only taught to close disciples and initiated in hidden Daoist lineages. It is now finally being disseminated and shared online by Shifu Constantino Valente and his student Jiaoshi Andrea, which is a truly wonderful opportunity. 

Despite not being there physically, Andrea has a keen eye for detail and his explanations were excellent. Though the movements looked simple at first – doing them with Andrea proved that there was much more to these movements than expected. Every little aspect of posture and each of the 15 movements and techniques was explained and detailed hidden instructions were given in terms of internal focus and internal state.


We kept practicing the exercises I found difficult until I knew the essential aspect of them and could practice them well enough on my own while still retaining the essence of that exercise. 

After the 3-hour session, I received an email with the full instructive PDF and also a video of Jiaoshi Andrea’s master going through the movements with Andrea’s instructions as a follow-along video. This is what I’ll be using until I know the full XSZG by heart. 

After finishing the full training and distance learning session, I felt that I had worked out my entire body. I was sore in all kinds of places and felt like I had worked out every part of my back. After resting for a bit and eating to nourish myself, I felt invigorated, warm, calm, and a lot more energized than usual. 

I’m excited to see what’s to come.

Anders (Denmark)

I've been practicing the first basic practice of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong for over a week now, I really like it such that I've actually been doing it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. This time practicing has been enough for me to start feeling a sense of overall wellness and inner peace that definitely goes beyond that afforded by me just meditating and doing my "light" Qi Gong practice (18 forms / Shibashi, 8 Brocades, and other similar ones).

I've been feeling more and more a subtle sense of inner joy, and thoughts seem to be "sticking" a lot less, which is the best part for me, it's been really interesting seeing this progress in myself. Even surprising that it is working in this way. 

The class experience itself with Jiaoshi Andrea was very easygoing, it pretty much felt as if we were practicing in the same room in terms of quality of instruction. With clear explanations, demonstration with different points of view, and correcting my form as I was doing the exercises which were very helpful.

Between the initial teaching of the class and the video routine, it's been all that I've needed to practice effectively. Some of the exercises were physically intensive at the start, but I'm really enjoying them now.

I think it is worth having a walk on this path just for this practice alone, really, based on what I'm experiencing so far, that being said, I can't help but be excited for what may come next. I am very thankful for this path being made available to me!

Goncalo (Portugal)


You don't have to travel to China in search of authentic teachers or to be accepted as a direct student and deal with cultural distances because now the unique path of Shifu Constantino Valente is available to you online and to the Western world. 

You don't have to find the time, buy a flight ticket, or spend lots of money to attend a live seminar in Italy. You can now learn Nei Qi Gong online with me in English, Spanish, and Italian.

The registration fee is deliberately accessible to everyone.

Although the journey with an authentic Master in China costs tens of thousands of euros, and even here in the West the 15 exercises of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong have been paid up to € 7,000.00 per person (I know it sounds incredible)...

...the registration fee for the online class of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong is only € 120.

Less than two months of a gym membership, for a “treasure” of energy and longevity that you have for your entire life.

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 (Hurry, Limited Tickets Available!)


- Online Class:  4 Hours on Zoom

- Bonus 1: Video of Shifu Costantino Valente

- Bonus 2: PDF of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong

- Bonus 3: Whatsapp/Email Assistance "FOR LIFE"

only € 120,00

Pay safely using Paypal, or your Debit and Credit Card.


The learning for me with Andrea was outstanding and very efficient.

Andrea is very patient with the teachings and explains the techniques very thoroughly.  

I felt I was guided with sincere, dedicated, and empathic care for my personal goals.


He is communicating directly at an eye-to-eye level, without any barriers, that kind of interaction makes the practice and knowledge-gaining process very effective.

Andrea has an amazingly humble and caring nature, a truly rare human being that surpassed the illusion of ego.

Dr. David (Hungary)

Jiaoshi Andrea is 100% dedicated to teaching students,
available, honest, benevolent, and attentive. He provides accurate and correct
instructions. I have learned the first level with him.


He allowed me to clearly grasp the basis of this Qi Gong. This is
perfectly what I was looking for, both physically and mentally.

Damien (France)

Jiaoshi Andrea is a patient, well-spoken and passionate teacher. I would highly recommend him and the Nei Qi Gong path for anyone interested in getting to the core of their nature.


Delicate care was taken going over every movement and the intricacies within the form. Along with the underlying principles and the goal of the practice, Jiaoshi clearly shows what, how, and why we are doing what we do. Along with this and the study resources provided, one has everything one needs to make great progress with energetic practice.


Jiaoshi Andrea also makes himself available for any questions or concerns the student may have. And to discuss the changes you are experiencing within yourself. 


The rest is up to you, to practice and experience. 

Kainaan (Canada)



Don't decide now, if the online class and the Nei Qi Gong are worthy and suitable for you.

Let's do the class together, practice the exercises for a month, and start feeling the benefits of this millennial practice. If after 30 days you are not totally satisfied with it, get in touch by email or WhatsApp and I will send you a full refund.  

No questions, no clauses "written in small": I am more than convinced of the extraordinary benefits that Nei Qi Gong can bring to your life, and I want you to try it in peace.

I am also aware of the dedication I have towards my students, teaching, and the great respect that I have for Shifu Costantino Valente, Nei Qi Gong, and the correct transmission of these ancient powerful practices.


Teaching is probably one of my best talents and one of the things that makes me feel more fulfilled and useful in the world.

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 (Hurry, Limited Tickets Available!)


- Online Class:  4 Hours on Zoom

- Bonus 1: Video of Shifu Costantino Valente

- Bonus 2: PDF of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong

- Bonus 3: Whatsapp/Email Assistance "FOR LIFE"

only € 120,00

Pay safely using Paypal, or your Debit and Credit Card.


I was happy to go through the first course of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong.

Jiaoshi Andrea was friendly, earnest, conscientious, and very thorough. We went through each exercise in a detailed way and then through the whole sequence.


I enjoyed the lesson and benefitted greatly from his instructions as I also carried on with the video the following days. I highly recommend this course!! 

Patrick (Greece)

I was happy to go through the 1st level of the Xing Shen Zhuang Gong and I highly recommend Jiaoshi Andrea Castrogiovanni as a personal teacher. He gives very importance on details and has a lot of patience.


The 1st practice is a bit demanding but the results are immediate and apparent. You will feel your body refreshed and with energy from the very first sessions.

Thanasis (Greece)

Today I have started the practice of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong and I can say that it has been wonderful. I am very satisfied with the practice, and with this excellent knowledge. In addition, the teacher is a great person, with a perfect way of teaching and explaining.


All very well explained and detailed, with some excellent study materials that you will receive at the end of the class. Thank you Jiaoshi Andrea for sharing your knowledge.

Cristo (Spain)

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  • Do you have doubts about the practice?

  • Do you want to get to know me first?

  • Do you need the info for the payment?

Click to open Whatsapp: +39 333 77 41 312

I started my training in Xing Shen Zhuang Gong this morning and found Jiaoshi Andrea to be an excellent instructor. I don't have flexibility, coordination, or balance as I am sitting down in front of a computer every day. Once our XSZG session began, I was very surprised to find that each exercise seemed to work areas of my body that I'd never even considered.   


As we performed each exercise, Jiaoshi explained and demonstrated the movement (in Spanish and English) - to make sure I understood its essence. After slowly going through the entire sequence, Jiaoshi has a keen eye for details and corrected me along the way, we took a short break. Then we performed the entire XSZG  routine again, as I tried to mirror Jiaoshi's movements. This took about 45 minutes.


I have to say, I'm very grateful to have the opportunity to learn authentic teachings - from an ancient lineage. My Zoom training session felt like having a one-to-one, with my personal instructor. I got real value for such a small investment. 


With continued practice, using the video of Shifu Valente demonstrating XSZG and the pdf provided - I'm confident that I will continue to improve.

Jorge (USA)

The first online lesson with Jiaoshi Andreas was excellent. His attention to form and communication of details and finer points of information is of the highest standards. The actual movements and exercises of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong are very potent, you can feel and understand the benefits of the movements for the body and mind. Thank you Jiaoshi Andreas for a great experience.

Mehmet (UK)

I am really happy about your zoom lesson and the precise coaching. Practicing afterward with the video works perfectly. So far I can say it results for me in a clear mind and a light-feeling body. I feel more present now. A blockage I had in my right shoulder disappeared during our online class. I realized that after the session. I think this method opens a big door toward improving myself in many aspects, physically and mentally.

Ralf (Germany)

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 (Hurry, Limited Tickets Available!)


- Online Class: 4 Hours on Zoom

- Bonus 1: Video of Shifu Costantino Valente

- Bonus 2: PDF of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong

- Bonus 3: Whatsapp/Email Assistance "FOR LIFE"

only € 120,00

Pay safely using Paypal, or your Debit and Credit Card.


© 2022 Nei Qi Gong Jiaoshi Andrea. All Rights Reserved.

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