The 3 Phases of Awakening: Everything You Need To Know
Updated: Nov 7, 2024
The Spiritual Journey Through Nei Qi Gong: A Three-Phase Process
Embarking on a spiritual journey can be challenging, especially in today’s world where the multitude of spiritual paths, systems, and ideologies can often feel overwhelming. In the age of marketing and commercialization, the true essence of many practices seems to have been diluted. However, Nei Qi Gong offers a practical and effective tool for those seeking to delve deeper into self-awareness and spiritual growth. It is one of the many paths, but for those who resonate with it, it can be transformative.
In any spiritual quest, we often experience a progression of phases. These phases represent the internal shifts that occur as we move from confusion and separation to clarity and oneness. The spiritual journey, particularly through Nei Qi Gong, can generally be categorized into three key phases:
PHASE 1: The External World and Inner Conflict
In the first phase, we find ourselves focused on the external world, struggling with dissatisfaction, confusion, and inner conflict. There is a pervasive sense of separation from the world around us and from our own true nature. We may feel disconnected from others, misunderstood, and unable to find meaning or purpose. At this point, we view our struggles as something external: perhaps we are dissatisfied with our relationships, our work, or our place in the world. We seek answers, believing that the resolution lies outside of us.
This phase is marked by the search for solutions to perceived external problems. We look for answers to life’s big questions—Who are we? What is our purpose?—but the solutions seem elusive. The deeper we look outside, the more lost and unsatisfied we feel.
PHASE 2: The Search for Meaning and Turning Inward
Once the external world is no longer satisfactory, we begin our search for deeper meaning. We are drawn to a particular tool or system that promises answers. This could be religion, spiritual practice, or a belief system. At this stage, we question everything and adopt a new framework to view the world—often based on our chosen system. Our attention shifts inward, and we start to see life and our place in it through a new lens.
In this phase, we become absorbed in our beliefs and spiritual practices, often seeking a higher state of awareness or enlightenment. We might separate ourselves from others who don't share our new perspective, thinking that we are on a higher path. The search becomes more focused on finding "the truth" as defined by our system—whether through religious texts, meditation practices, or rituals.
However, there is a paradox at play. In our pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, we may become increasingly disconnected from the real world around us. The more we dive into beliefs, practices, and doctrines, the further we may feel from fully experiencing life in its wholeness.
PHASE 3: Unity and Acceptance
The final phase represents a merging of the internal and external worlds. After all the seeking and striving, we come to a place where the duality between the inside and outside dissolves. The bubble of separation—created in phase 2—vanishes, and we return to the world with a new perspective.
In this phase, the need for tools, systems, and beliefs fades. The search for answers, and the need to understand everything, falls away. We no longer need explanations, ideologies, or spiritual practices because we are no longer driven by inner conflict. Instead, there is a total acceptance of life as it is, with all its contradictions, challenges, and uncertainties. We feel a sense of oneness with the world, and the internal peace that we sought outside now resides within us.
The key here is that the internal transformation has been completed. We no longer feel torn between our inner world and the external world. We have transcended the need for religious or spiritual tools because we are now living in harmony with life itself. This phase is marked by deep inner peace and a profound connection with the present moment.
The journey from external dissatisfaction to inner peace is not a linear process, and it is not without its challenges. Each phase serves a purpose and is essential in its own right, but ultimately, the goal is to reach a state of unity and acceptance. Nei Qi Gong provides a powerful tool to assist in navigating this journey by fostering deep self-awareness, clarity, and balance. Through consistent practice, we can work through the layers of inner conflict, reconnect with our true selves, and cultivate harmony within.
Remember, the spiritual journey is personal, and it’s a continual process of growth. No single path or practice has all the answers, but Nei Qi Gong, with its focus on cultivating internal energy (Qi), offers a grounded and practical approach that can lead us to deeper insights and profound transformation.
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